Uncover Youthful Wellness

How long has it been since you had a Facial massage? Unwind, restore, quiet the mind!

The benefits of a facial massage.

  • Instant improvement in the facial condition

  • Increase blood flow

  • Increase cellular oxygenation

  • Increase in circulation

  • Increase the lymph -- drainage -- eliminate fluids and toxins

  • Relieve stress and anxiety

  • Results -- Youthful, brighter, fresher, renewed, smooth skin!

Is it time for restorative wellness for you?!


Focusing on creative ideas that impact image development, brand development and marketing strategies, Filament can help target your marketing path to help you move your business forward. Filament is about creating the right strategy and design in the right medium to help you and your organization establish, refine and promote your brand. If you need to update your existing communications strategy or create a new one, Filament will be able to light the way.


Rest to Replenishment


Summer Essentials