Self care, loving care for you and your heart.
What have you done lately for you?
carve out time for you.
Be present as you draw a bath, add, bubbles or salts and drop or two of lavender, frankincense oils.
Take care with your skincare regime cleansing, applying cream to your body.
how often do you add a face oil for night time care? restore as you sleep.
brew a cup of herbal tea add honey and spend time inside a book.
Book a facial treatment to renew, refresh the skin.
take a walk in the woods or nearby park, be with the trees and landscape.
take rest listen to your body.
Buy flowers and chocolote treat yourself.
Add a facial mask once or twice a month to your skincare regime.
Sit by a fire.
make a pot of comfort food.
As we near the end of February, the month of tending to all things close and dear to the heart.
Love who you are!